ZoRobin Shenanigans
Welcome to our Carrd!
Thank you for your interest in our ship and what we do!
You're welcome to take a look around, check out how we came to be or what sort of events we've hosted in the past!
Join our annual holiday gift exchange!
Not celebrating Christmas? Doesn't matter, who doesn't like getting gifts?
About Us
We are a group of One Piece fans, just like you, probably.
In February 2021 fanfiction writer ni21 read and commented a fic written by Hoshi_of_the_sea and a conversation ensued. "Wouldn't it be great to have a discord server dedicated to our ship?"Yes, yes it would be great! And thus a day or so later, ni21 took matters into her own hands and created the damn thing on February 13th.Since then the server grew steadily and we are happy to say that we have members from all across the globe united and drawn together purely by their love and passion for two fictional characters and their love and passion for each other. We share our fandom creations or simply enjoy in silence and root for each other and our ship.Our multi-lingual mod-team makes sure that everyone has a safe and lovely experience.As our head-mods multiship Zoro and Robin with anyone that make them happy respectively, it doesn't matter if you ship ZoRobin as your OTP or only in passing, you are welcome either way as long as you can respect other opinions and other ships. Ship wars have no place in our server.
The internet is not a vacuum and we're all advised to keep in mind that we are not alone. If you want to join the server you will have to agree to our rules presented there, however, even if you want to join our events without the server we do expect you to be respectful towards others.Unless you follow the following rules, derived from our server rules, for all of our events, we will not share and spread your contribution.
1. Golden Rule
Don't be a cunt.2. General Conduct
No racism, no homophobia, no transphobia, no misogyny, no misandry, actually, see point 1.
This does not mean that you can't explore those themes in your entries or independent creations. In fact, we welcome it if people deal with themes like this as they are important social issues that need to be overcome.What we do not condone is, for example, if you think it's decent behaviour to put *he under Kiku art. In such cases, we will not retweet and push your entries.
3. Your favourites
Do not slander characters or ships, yes we're a ZoRobin server and we make ZoRobin events, but we know the ship is great and we do not need to trash other ships so it looks better next to them. And we're better than to hate on a character because "they get in the way"4. Fanart
We try to make our events open for everyone. If you want to make moodboards or edits, we expect you to use your own art, official art, or ask artists for permission to use and credit them properly. If you don't get permission, you don't use it.
5. Events
For most events, you don't have to become a member of the server should you not wish to. However, we do ask you to abide to our rules when creating in association with us.
Most of our events are open to every form of creation, as long as the creation is your own. For collages or videos, please only use official art or your own.
6. AI generation
We have and always will support human creation. Typing prompts into an AI generator does not count as such in our eyes. Generally speaking, our events are always open for all types of media, so it's not like one would need to use AI to produce images or writing to participate.
Hence we do not support AI generated entries and will not support them or allow them to be shared on our server. Should participants/members purposefully go against this, we allow ourselves to exclude them from the server or future events.
On this site you see an overview of all our events. It's still rather bleak around here, but there will be more to come!
In May 2021, mod ni21 thought, you know what this new server needs? An event! Other ships get ship weeks and ship months and ship days, why not us?
Well, we did. We declared June 2nd as ZoRobin day, just like Japanese fans claim birthdays for the characters, had our server's very own eury design our banners and infographics and set up a Twitter account to publishour prompts.
Please check out the entries on Twitter and the collection on ao3
In case we missed you, please contact us via social media or draw a ticket in the server!
Day 1: party or books
Day 2: combat or quiet
Day 3: incognito or blades
Day 4: blood or song
Day 5: snow or scars
Day 6: strength or
Day 7: freeform

Welcome to our first ZoRobin Gift Exchange!What is better than receiving gifts? Exactly! Bringing joy to others by giving gifts to others! You win, your giftee wins, the fandom wins, perfect!This event is open for both artists and writers!You'll find the form to apply below, please read all the information on this site thoroughly before applying!
How it works
When signing up, you will be able to voice three wishes. These can be as detailed or vague as you wish them to be. Try to mix things up a bit so your giftee has a real choice. To make sure you will be happy with your gift, add your preferred rating.After sign-ups close you will be informed by one of our mods about your match.If you need to contact your giftee for details please do so over the mods so your identity remains secret.Once you're done you can upload your gift to our ao3 collection